Loop Refine is a water tech company based out of Singapore since 2023.

We provide solutions to help organisations achieve zero liquid discharge and also to get the maximum value from their waste water. We offer a combination of physical products as well as softwares to achieve the set goals. The products can be customised based on the customer’s requirements. We have designed our product keeping in mind the possible constraints our customer could have.

Customisable membrane filtration modules (Refine Membranes)

Our patented filtration membranes are best fit for your micro, ultra and nano filtration units. Whether it is recovery units or filtration to reduce TDS, TSS levels, our membranes can provide the desired consistent output at 50% reduced energy and chemical consumption

Recyclable sludge through reaction optimisation software (Refine Dosing)

If you face the challenge of variability of effluent stream composition or revenue generation from sludge, our reaction optimisation software can be easily implemented over the existing system with least interference in the plant layout

Problem Solving and Consultation

We use lean and agile strategies to help our clients identify addressable problem statements and get the right outside solutions which would be the perfect fit